
Letter #7: Thank you, Peter

Hi Peter,

how was your week? I hope it was wonderful. 🙂

Today’s email is a bit different.

It has been several weeks from the time you got the English the Smart Way ebook when you joined this newsletter. I believe it has helped you on your way of mastering English as it has helped other readers.

I would like to thank you so much for staying with me for all this time.

When I started building my little blog, I had no idea that one day I will be connecting with so many nice people from almost every part of the world.

It has been one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life. And I probably wouldn’t have accomplished all of this without help, support and inspiration of my dear friends, family and you of course. 😉

And to move things further, I have decided to run a quick but very important survey.

I would like to discover what you really need so I can serve you in a best possible way.

Click here to tell me your biggest challenge with English

Completing the following survey shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes and it will make an enormous impact on the direction I take English the Smart Way.

Your response will be a primary factor in shaping the future of what I do, what gets published, what the site looks like and ultimately your experience with English the Smart Way.

Click here to complete the survey

Thank you so much for your help, Peter 🙂

Have a great week and all the best to you.

Speak soon,